HSC Listserv

What is the Human Services Coalition Listserv?

Man with Megaphone

Feel out of the loop when it comes to community events, job opportunities, service projects, or grants?

Wish there were a way to share information with the entire non-profit community quickly, easily, and at NO COST?


Using the Human Services Coalition Email Listserv, share information with the local non-profit community regarding:

  • Upcoming events and how to get involved
  • Collaboration in service delivery or grant writing
  • Job opportunities
  • Other topics of specific interest to the health and human services community
  • Donations

The list is open to persons who are affiliated with the non-profit sector. This may include employees or volunteers at not-for-profit agencies, county and city departments, elected officials, board members, or other affiliates. An award by the Appalachian Regional Commission to the Tompkins County Collaborative Communications Project, in cooperation with Cornell University, provided funding for this service.

Guidelines for Posting

These guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Human Services Coalition.

Following these Guidelines keeps our List operating successfully:

    • DO use the HSC Listserv to post announcements from annual meetings to donating furniture to posting job opportunities.
    • NEVER use attachments, electronic business card signatures, or large graphics.  Please note that ADA readers cannot read text in images.
    • ALWAYS create a new email message to [email protected] when posting, please do not reply to the digest in order to post to the listserv. 
    • DO remember that you are posting to a public forum.  Sharing personal details about your client, their medical needs, or their personal struggles is not recommended as it may allow others to identify them.
    • DO NOT use this listserv to:
      • post your resume/ask for a job or internship
      • solicit funds directly from subscribers – Requests for client assistance should come from an agency – individuals should not post personal requests.
      • sell merchandise or services – If you represent a for-profit business or private practice, please do not advertise on this listserv.
      • find homes for kittens
      • search for lost/stolen items or pets
      • post partisan/political messages or campaign/PAC fundraisers
      • advertise the rental/sale of real estate.
    • DO NOT use this listserv for editorializing or ongoing dialogue. If you would like to respond to another subscriber, please respond to that individual only, not to the entire list.
    • DO use the List as smart way to request information for your not-for-profit or clients.
    • DO send readers to a link, or copy your document into the body of the e-mail.
    • DO use the subject line to specifically describe your event/information.
    • DO keep your message short and simple.
    • DO provide good contact information.
    • DO type your posting in simple text. “Bold,” “italics,” “bullets,” etc. may show up as embedded symbols in your posting.
    • DO NOT post information for the same event too often. Please respect others’ inboxes and limit posts for the same event to once per week.
    • SUCCESS: The Listserv works in a self-regulated way, owing its effectiveness and success to its own subscribers; now totaling almost 3,200.


To contact the Listserv Manager, please email tbeardsley@hsctc.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

The digest format can be awkward to read, can it be adjusted?

Why do the guidelines limit what subscribers can post?

What about discussions – don’t they benefit nonprofits?

Can subscribers search through old posts?

Can emails be filtered to individual preferences (or to remove ‘reply all’ posts/ requests to unsubscribe)?

Who do I contact with questions, feedback, or issues?